Are Electric Cars Dying? And Could This Be the Start of Something New?

I am heading back to the future. Here is why.

Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD
5 min readOct 7, 2022
Photo courtesy of author

Usually, it’s fun to be a first mover.

People admire you and see you as a trendsetter. But not always. My wife and I had a different experience more than ten years ago when we decided to trade in our sports car for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (EV). We were viewed as fools and our friends were not shy in telling us.

Even then, an EV offered many advantages. Impressively low fuel consumption and lower maintenance costs. If you added the tax credits to that, the hybrid vehicle seemed like a no-brainer. We even received a free charging station at home.

But these benefits weren’t the real reason for our — back then — unconventional choice of a new car. The biggest reason was that we wanted to contribute to a better and cleaner world.

Most of the people in our social circle disagreed. They referred to the dark side of EVs and the negative image of environmentalists.

“What about the carbon footprint of your batteries and their environmental impact?”

“Tree huggers!”

Jump forward five years and the mood towards “going electric” had changed completely. We were at the vanguard…



Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD

Prof (law) exploring the collision of life, work, and technology, with a current project in the works - a sci-fi novel.